

High Standards, Impressive Results

The importance of quality control and safety can never be overstated.

Hiring top rate subcontractors is paramount to ensuring excellent quality and safe workplaces. Through our many years in the construction industry we have developed great working relationships with Manhattan subcontractors and have had the chance to see their finished products first hand. We have also developed a level of respect and fair-dealing with the various trades, which allows us to deliver the utmost quality at the best price for our clients.

Throughout a project, our clients can expect the project team, including the owners of CMC, to be available every step of the way. The project team is responsible for the overall coordination of the project, including construction means and methods and quality and safety control. We coordinate the daily activities of the trades, while managing sequencing, phasing and scheduling. We hold project meetings and distribute progress reports, meeting minutes, updated schedules and submittal logs weekly to keep our clients informed and involved in the project.

Upon completion, our project team transfers the operation of the space to the client, ensuring that we have provided all the necessary material and information to successfully run the new facility. We will schedule and attend all inspections and provide detailed closeout books, including but not limited to, building department drawings, warrantees, as built drawings, and operations and maintenance manuals. We closely tailor our closeout process to meet the individual needs of clients.

We are pleased to report that many of our projects conclude with our clients requesting that we stay on board to perform ongoing maintenance work at their respective facilities.

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